Gamblin Relief Ink: Portland Intense Black (1lb Can)
Portland Intense Black: Portland Intense Black is a deep rich black with a cool undertone. Pigment: Carbon Black (PBk7), Ferri-ammonium ferrocyanide (PB 27:1)Vehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 1, OPAQUE, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Titanium White (1lb Can)
Titanium White: Reflecting 97.5% of all available light, this is most opaque white pigment. Pigment: Titanium dioxide and a small quantity of zinc oxide (PW 6, PW 4)Vehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 1, OPAQUE, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Transparent Base (1lb Can)
Transparent Base: Transparent Base can be added to ink to increase transparency of a color while maintaining the inks stiffness and tack. Pigment: Calcium CarbonateVehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 1, TRANSPARENT, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Prussian Blue (1lb Can)
Prussian Blue: First synthetic color of the Industrial Revolution, discovered by accident in 1704 while a chemist was trying to formulate artificial crimson. Warm blue with more muted tint than Phthalo Blue. It has a high tinting strength, is...
Gamblin Relief Ink: Quinacridone Red (1lb Can)
Quinacridone Red: Cool lightfast modern red with high key tint. Useful in place of Alizarin Crimson where more intense masstone and mixtures are desired. Pigment: Quinacridone red b (PV19)Vehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 2, TRANSPARENT, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Sepia (1lb Can)
Sepia: Sepia is a warm earth color in both its’ masstone and transparency. Pigment: Bone Black (PBk9), Transparent Mars Red (PR101)Vehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 2, OPAQUE, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Hansa Yellow (1lb Can)
Hansa Yellow Light: Hansa Yellow Light is a cool yellow. Cleaner in masstone, brighter in tint and more transparent than a Cad Yellow Light. Excellent for mixing intense oranges and greens. Pigment: Arylide yellow (PY 3)Vehicle: Burnt Plate...
Gamblin Relief Ink: Napthol Red (1lb Can)
Napthol Scarlet: Intense warm modern red. Mixes clean bright oranges. Pigment: Napthol AS-OL (PR188)Vehicle: Burnt Plate OilSeries 3, SEMI-TRANSPARENT, SDS
Gamblin Relief Ink: Phthalo Blue (1lb Can)
Phthalo Blue: Warm blue first made for printmaking ink (cyan) to replace Prussian Blue in the 1920s. It is an excellent choice in primary color-mixing systems, along with Hansa Yellow Light and Quinacridone Red. With clean, pure masstone and...
Gamblin Relief Ink: Phthalo Green (1lb Can)
Phthalo Green: A dark bluish green more closely resembles Verdigris than Viridian. First manufactured in 1927, Phthalo Green has a very high tinting strength and transparency. Pigment: Chlorinated copper phthalocyanine (PG 7)Vehicle: Burnt Plate...